tailor made

Travel to Ecuador
& Galapagos

"I am Tom from Belgium, I have been living and guiding in Ecuador for 10 years. I make sure your journey is safe and optimal "

Tom, guide in Ecuador
Tom, guide in Ecuador

"I am Tom from Belgium, I have been living and guiding in Ecuador for 10 years.
I make sure your journey is safe and optimal "


If you found a sample trip to your liking but prefer different hotels or other excursions, check out our offer here, conveniently arranged by region. More than 90 hotels!

Here you will find details of more than 100 excursions, arranged by region!!!

If you want to see hotels and excursions by region, see below.


The Galapagos Islands are best visited on a small cruise ship. Almost all ships take a maximum of 16 passengers. You eat and sleep aboard the ship during the cruise and usually sail at night. This way you also reach the more remote islands. All ships permanently have 1 or more professional English-speaking guides on board.

On hotel in Galapagos

You can also visit the Galapagos Islands with overnight hotel stays. There are 4 inhabited islands in Galapagos: Santa Cruz, San Cristobal, Santa Isabela and Floreana. Here you will find hotels of different classes.


If you want to know more about the practicalities of visiting Galapagos (flights, climate, etc.) look here

If you want to learn more about the islands, click below.


After your Ecuador roundtrip, send us a report and/or some photos and we’ll publish them here!

La Casa del Arbol,


Indian woman from SalasacasIn Zuid-Amerika is Ecuador een van de kleinere landen. Ecuador is maar half zo groot als Frankrijk, maar het land is enorm divers wat geografie, klimaat en bevolking betreft. Je kan er zowel de Andes, het Amazonewoud als de tropische kust bezoeken zonder extreem lange binnenlandse vluchten of transfers te maken. En dan heb je nog de Galapagos-eilanden, een “once in a lifetime experience”.
De diversiteit in Ecuador van flora en fauna per km2 is enorm. Ecuador is Zuid-Amerika in een notendop. Bovendien is het land relatief veilig en weinig bezocht.
De nationale munt is de USD en je hebt een ruime keuze aan rechtstreekse vluchten naar Quito en Guayaquil vanuit Europa en de Verenigde Staten.


Tom, guide in EcuadorIk ben Tom uit België en zorg ervoor dat jullie reis naar Ecuador of cruise in Galapagos zo vlot en aangenaam mogelijk kan verlopen. Ik woon al een tiental jaren in Ecuador en werk nu 8 jaren in toerisme. Daarvoor heb ik in Ecuador mijn gidsen-diploma behaald. Reizen en nieuwe plaatsen ontdekken is mijn passie.
Samen met het lokale reiskantoor Descubre-Ecuador, bieden we reizen op maat in Galapagos en op het Ecuadoriaanse vasteland aan. Descubre-Ecuador heeft door de jaren heen een betrouwbare samenwerking opgebouwd met de beste hotels en de beste natuurgidsen van Ecuador. Onze kleinschalige manier van werken zorgt voor een vlotte bereikbaarheid en veel flexibiliteit bij het reizen.
De tevredenheid van de klant is voor ons de essentie. En ook op die zeldzame momenten van onvoorziene moeilijke omstandigheden zorgen we dat we er zijn om jullie reis toch perfect te laten verlopen.


Indian woman from SalasacasIn South America, Ecuador is one of the smaller countries. Ecuador is only half the size of France, but the country is enormously diverse in terms of geography, climate and population. You can visit both the Andes, the Amazon jungle and the tropical coast without taking extremely long domestic flights or transfers. And then you have the Galapagos Islands, a “once in a lifetime experience.”
Ecuador’s diversity of flora and fauna per km2 is enormous. Ecuador is South America in a nutshell. Moreover, the country is relatively safe and little visited.
The national currency is the USD and you have a wide choice of direct flights to Quito and Guayaquil from Europe and the United States.


Tom, guide in EcuadorI am Tom from Belgium and will make sure that your trip to Ecuador or cruise in Galapagos will be as smooth and pleasant as possible. I have been living in Ecuador for about 10 years and have been working in tourism for 8 years now. Before that, I obtained my guides diploma in Ecuador. Traveling and discovering new places is my passion.
Together with the local travel agency Descubre-Ecuador, we offer customized tours in Galapagos and on the Ecuadorian mainland. Over the years Descubre-Ecuador has built a reliable partnership with the best hotels and the best nature guides in Ecuador. Our small-scale way of working ensures easy accessibility and a lot of flexibility when traveling.
Customer satisfaction is the essence for us. And also on those rare moments of unforeseen difficult circumstances we make sure we are there to make your trip perfect.