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12 000

1 800
mt above sea level

This beautiful mountain town with its pleasant subtropical climate has grown into a tourist center full of hotels, restaurants and local tour operators. The sidewalks of the main street Calle Ambato are full of terraces and on Saturday evenings it is packed with visitors. Ecuadorians also visit Baños on high days and at weekends for its hot water baths, a visit to its beautiful basilica or for its melcochas, a local delicacy.

Baños has become a regular fixture on the program of every visit to Ecuador: the good climate is very pleasant, you can enjoy beautiful walks in and around Baños, and you can make beautiful trips on horseback or by mountain bike.

Baños is also strategically located very well, along the fixed route between the Amazon and the highlands and is therefore the ideal place to recover from the adventures in the jungle or Andes mountains. The rough Pastaza River thunders past Baños to the Agoyan Falls, 10 km. further downstream, where one of Ecuador’s largest water power plants is located. Even further along the road to Puyo, the Pastaza has several beautiful waterfalls.

Near Baños you will find 2 national parks: Sangay and LLanganates. The city is located at the foot of the Tungurahua volcano. In 1999, after a period of 80 years of inactivity, he suddenly woke up again. Regularly, a number of villages along the road to Riobamba are being evacuated in the event of emerging activity. Baños has also been evacuated a few times, but to date the city of Baños has not been affected. The erupting Tungurahua regularly delivers beautiful images.